压路机行业的*蜂 3T压路机 济宁3T压路机
山东3T震动压路机 重型碾路机 回填土沥青路面压实机 3T冲击压路机
振动频率高的压路机 压的实在的压路机
3T钢轮压路机 河南压路机 山东压路机 大厂家压路机
大品牌压路机 大质量压路机 振动效果好的压路机
2017年*给力压路机 2017年*火爆的压路机
2017年*红的压路机 2017年*实惠的压路机
给力给力给力!!!!! DC3T-II
济宁市鼎诚工矿设备有限公司****生产各种型号压路机,手扶式单轮压路机,柴油压路机,汽油压路机,振动式压路机,山东济宁压路机,3吨柴油压路机 座椅式压路机
DC3T-II 双钢轮振动压路机 3吨双轮柴油压路机主要特点:
1. The ferry speed, sit chair is very comfortable and high-grade combination instrument panel co*ol. There are sun mirror is used to reduce the driver's operation fatigue.
2. The maintenance cost is low, reliable performance, the allocation of vibration timer, the work performance better co*ol.
3. The machine use beautiful glass fiber reinforced plastic cover, better prolong service life, and ensure that cover parts corrosion and colour and lustre is permanent.
4. Mechanical walk, hydraulic vibration, hydraulic steering has reliable performance and the best function, the price is not expensive.
5. Before and after vibration wheel are scraping argillaceous and sprinklers
6. Engine is guaranteed by 385 diesel engine, the power is strong, easy maintenance, low cost
7. The machine has compact structure, *all size, can be used for above narrow site.
型号 |
自重 |
T |
3 |
振动频率 |
Hz |
50 |
激振力 |
kN |
30 |
整体激震力 |
T |
6 |
沥青压实 |
CM |
20 |
回填土压实 |
CM |
30 |
*高行走速度 |
km/h |
6.9 |
爬坡能力 |
% |
20 |
*小转弯半径 |
mm |
2300 |
外形尺寸(长X宽X高) |
mm |
2800X1140X2330 |
振动轮直径 |
Mm |
700 |
振动轮宽度 |
mm |
1000 |
轴距 |
mm |
1980 |
柴油机型号 |
ZN385Q |
燃油机功率 |
kW |
21 |