
主营:仪器仪表 自动化设备 机械设备


¥50元/台 中国 陕西 西安






联系人:宁超           线:029-83338136

手 机:15339052544  *1293858601       

邮箱:1293858601@** 传真:029-83561013 


Limit switch working limit switch and limit switch, limit switch is used to give the work mechani* of action in place signal. Limit switch is to prevent the agency beyond the scope of design and accident. Work limit switches are installed in the *ition of the mechani* to change the conditi*witch, signal is given, for other related acti*. Limit switch installed in the mos*stal moveme*f mechani*, to protect the mechani* of action is too large there is damaged.

The main part of the switch is com*ed of the following materials

Mark of part*aterials

Contact Au corrosion resistance is superior, for *all load. Because of its soft texture (Vivtorinox hardness HV25 ~ 65), it is easy to adhesion (contact adhesive), and in the contact force under the condition of large contact easy to sag.

Alloy of gold, silver, 10% silver gold alloy AuAg 90% corrosion resistance is very good, hardness is HV30 ~ 90, higher than the gold, so it is widely used in *all load switch.

Platinum, gold, silver, 69% gold, 25% silver alloy PGS, 6% platinum alloy, corrosion resistance is very good, hardness is also the same with gold and silver alloy, widely used in *all load switch. Known as the "No. 1 alloy".

Silver palladium alloy AgPd, good corrosion resistance, but it is easy to adsorb organic gas generation polymer. 50% silver, 50% case of palladium, hardness is HV100 ~ 200.

Silver Ag electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity is one of the largest in the metal. Although the exhibit lower contact resistance, but the drawback*easy to generate sulfide film in sulfide gases in the environment, in the *all load area is easy to produce bad. Hardness is HV25 ~ 45. For more general load switch.

Silver, nickel alloy AgNi 90% silver, 10% silver, nickel and silver nickel alloy electric conductivity in close, arc resistance, excelle*esistance to melting. Hardness is HV65 ~ 115.

Silver, indium, tin alloy AgInSn hardness, high melting point, excellent arc resistance, not easy to melt or transfer.

The movable spring, the movable plate spring with phosphor bronze C5210 rolling resistance, fatigue resistance and corrosion resistance. H*e carried out annealing treatment. If the spring critical value (Kb0.075) of C5210-H i*ore than 40kgf/mm2, C5210-EH i*ore than 47kgf/mm2, the lower, are widely used in the *all micro switch.

VXF31.25  VXF31.39  VXF31.40  VXF31.50  VXF31.65  VXF31.80  VXF31.90 VXF31.91 

VXF31.92  VXF40.100-124  VXF40.125-200  VXF40.150-300  VXF40.15-1.9  VXF40.15-3 

VXF40.25-5  VXF40.25-7.5  VXF40.40-12  VXF40.40-19  VXF40.50-31  VXF40.65-49 

VXF40.80-78  VXF41.25  VXF41.25(4)  VXF41.40  VXF41.40(4)  VXF41.49  VXF41.49(4) 

VXF41.50  VXF41.50(4)  VXF41.65  VXF41.65(4)  VXF41.80  VXF41.80(4) 

VXF41.90  VXF41.90(4)  VXF41.91  VXF41.91(4)  VXF41.92  VXF41.92(4)   

NHR-M41-27/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-27/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-28/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-28/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-29/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-29/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-30/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-30/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-31/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-31/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-32/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-32/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-33/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-33/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-34/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-34/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-35/X-0/X-A    NHR-M41-35/X-0/X-D


      NHR-M41-25/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-25/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-26/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-26/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-27/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-27/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-28/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-28/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-29/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-29/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-30/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-30/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-31/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-31/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-32/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-32/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-33/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-33/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-34/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-34/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-35/X-0/0-A    NHR-M41-35/X-0/0-D


      NHR-M41-25/X-0/1-A    NHR-M41-25/X-0/1-D

凡兼人者有三术:有以德兼人者,有以力兼人者,有以富兼人者。彼贵我名声, 美我德行,欲为我民,故辟门除涂,以迎吾入。因其民,袭其处,而百姓皆安。立 法施令,莫不顺比。是故得地而权弥重,兼人而兵俞强:是以德兼人者也。非贵我 名声也,非美我德行也,彼畏我威,劫我埶,故民虽有离心,不敢有畔虑,若是则 戎甲俞众,奉养必费。是故得地而权弥轻,兼人而兵俞弱:是以力兼人者也。非贵 我名声也,非美我德行也,用贫求富,用饥求饱,虚腹张口,来归我食。若是,则 必发夫掌窌之粟以食之,委之财货以富之,立良有司以接之,已期三年,然后民可 信也。是故得地而权弥轻,兼人而国俞贫:是以富兼人者也。故曰:以德兼人者王, 以力兼人者弱,以富兼人者贫,古今一也。

兼幷易能也,唯坚凝之难焉。齐能幷宋,而不能凝也,故魏夺之。燕能幷齐, 而不能凝也,故田单夺之。韩之上地,方数百里,完全富足而趋赵,赵不能凝也, 故秦夺之。故能幷之,而不能凝,则必夺;不能幷之,又不能凝其有,则必亡。能 凝之,则必能幷之矣。得之则凝,兼幷无强。古者汤以薄,武王以滈,皆百里之地 也,天下为一,诸侯为臣,无他故焉,能凝之也。故凝士以礼,凝民以政;礼修而 士服,政平而民安;士服民安,夫是之谓大凝。以守则固,以征则强,令行禁止, ****之事毕矣。
