

临沂金王之星-第三代-金王之星 好用

面议 中国


<*n style="font-size:16px;">J300 Electrically Operated Precise Turntable Cutting Machine

<*n style="font-size:16px;">1.Product i*oduction: Thi*achine was popular product which developed in view of the pint-size customers and the flowing workers by our company in recent years. It has become one of our company best-selling products for its reasonable structure, fine materials and satisfying effect.

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<*n style="font-size:16px;">2.Product characteristic:

<*n style="font-size:16px;">1. Ball bearing precision turntable structure makes angle swinging flexible and accurate.

<*n style="font-size:16px;">2.Work table and the back’s slit is narrow, it is better for the chipping removing.

<*n style="font-size:16px;">3. Swinging nose connection with the precision bearing branch structure makes the effect of cutting to be satisfying.

<*n style="font-size:16px;">4. It is useful for flowing workers for its assembling and di*antling type and the leftable work table.

<*n style="font-size:16px;">The Fencing Wheels:

<*n style="font-size:16px;">- The fencing wheels on the supporting side of the set are shaped by injection molding, bearing with the protruding "Jin Wang" logo. Fine material is used,金王之星 *, so that it is persistent to abrasion and free from color f*g.

<*n style="font-size:16px;">- An unique *ce limit grippng structure, as well as the reliable inner injected dimension.

<*n style="font-size:16px;">- Easily detachable but are also guaranteed to roll *oothly after being installed without falling apart.

<*n style="font-size:18px;">1、特色的滚珠精密转盘结构,令角度摆动灵活、****,结构稳定;

<*n style="font-size:18px;">2、工作台及靠板缝隙小,有利于余料的横向移动避免打料;

<*n style="font-size:18px;">3、****的摆动头用粗密轴承支座结构,金王之星 手提式 ,使切割效果更加光洁。

<*n style="font-size:18px;">4、14寸还有自动冷却*装置,临沂金王之星,让切片使用寿命更久。<*n style="font-size:18px;">

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<*n style="font-size:18px;">精密转盘切割机是用于工业型材、铝合金门窗料切割开料的*设备,既可45°开料,金王之星 好用,又可90°开料,根据所配锯片大小,精密转盘切割机有12寸及14寸两种规格,本机适用广泛,是各大、中、小各类门窗厂*的切割设备。

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金王之星 手提式 -临沂金王之星-第三代由广州市金王机械设备有限公司提供。行路致远,砥砺前行。广州市金王机械设备有限公司(www.jwgz*)致力成为与您共赢、共生、共同前行的战略伙伴,更矢志成为金属切削类较具影响力的企业,与您一起飞跃,共同成功!
