增设强压功能。即对卸料镶块压料部加厚尺寸(正常的卸料镶块厚H 0.03mm),以增加对凹模侧材料的压力,从而*冲切时冲压件产生翻料、扭曲变形。
Additional pressure function. In order to increase the pressure on the material of the die side, the pressure of the material in the die side is increased by the thickness of the material of the unloaded insert (normal unloaded insert thickness H 0.03mm),fastener报价, so as to suppress the turning and distortion of the stamping parts.
Reasonable mold design. In progressive die, the order of blanking sequence may affect the accuracy of stamping forming. In order to reduce the impact of punching parts, the punching and cuttin*anking of *all area is arranged in the light of the blanking of the *all parts of the stamping parts.