


面议 中国


<*n style="font-size:14px;">轧机上使金属产生连续塑性变形的主要工作部件和工具。轧辊主要由辊身、辊颈和轴头3部分组成。

<*n style="font-size:14px;">辊身是实际参与轧制金属的轧辊中间部分。它具有光滑的圆柱形或带轧槽的表面。辊颈安装在轴承中,并通过轴承座和压下装置把轧制力传给机架。

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<*n style="font-size:14px;">The roller body is the middle part of the roll that actually take*rt in rolling the metal. It has a *ooth cylinder or a surface with a groove. The roller neck is installed in the bearing and passes the rolling force to the rack through the bearing seat and the press down device. .<*n style="font-size:14px;">

<*n style="font-size:14px;">轧辊在轧机中的使用效果不但取决于轧辊材质及其冶金质量,还和使用条件、轧辊设计、操作维护有关。不同类型轧机的轧辊使用条件有很大差异,造成差异的因素有:轧机条件。如轧机类型、轧机和轧辊设计、孔型设计、水冷条件和轴承种类等。

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<*n style="font-size:14px;">The use effect of roll in the rolling mill not only depends on the material and metallurgical quality of the roll,轧辊厂家, but also is related to the conditi* of use,轧辊生产厂家, the design of the roll and the operation and maintenance. The use conditi* of the rolls for different types of rolling mills are very different. The factors that cause the difference are the rolling mill conditi*. Such as rolling mill type,圣霖轧辊, rolling mill and roll design, pass design, water cooling condition and bearing type and so on.


There are many classification methods like roller are: (1) according to the type of product with strip roller, steel roller, wire roller; (2) according to the roll in rolling mill series in the of divided blooming rolls, roughing roll, finishing roll; (3) according to the function of a roller descaling Kong Gun, wearing roller, flat roll etc.

轧辊-圣霖国际【顾客至上】-圣霖轧辊由鞍山市圣霖进出口贸易有限公司提供。鞍山市圣霖进出口贸易有限公司(shenglininternational.cn)为客户提供“型材设备,轧钢设备,轨道设备”等业务,公司拥有“圣霖”等品牌。专注于行业*设备等行业,在辽宁 鞍山 有较高*度。欢迎来电垂询,联系人:王秋。