1;在二千五百年前埃及人利用芦苇编织成窗帘,在窗帘上加水,通过空气对流及水蒸发作用,对室内进行降温,通风降温设备报价,此为****早期的蒸发式降温湿帘。2500 years ago, The ancient Egyptian made curtain by we*ing the reeds. They then added water on curtain surface to cool the indoor air according to the theory of Air Convection and water evaporation. This was the earliest evaporative cooling pad we’ve found ever since.2;在十九世纪美国使用木丝作为蒸发降温湿帘。The American used wood wool as evaporative cooling p*the 19th century诞生Birth二十世纪七十年代瑞典科学家卡尔· 蒙特发明纸介质的湿帘。人们开始在湿帘的基础不断研发节约能源、保护环境的设备。In 1970*ientist and e*epreneur Carl Munters invented paper cooling pad. From then on,通风降温设备采购, People bega*develop energy-s*ing and environ-mentally friendly equipme*n the basis of evaporative cooling pad.引进I*oduction二十世纪八十年代,我国开始进口湿帘,并推广在农业生产使用。In the 1980s,our cou*y bega*import cooling pad which can be widely used in agricultural production.