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¥1200元/件 中国 广东 广州 白云区
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上海WOW COLOUR华润时代广场广州市八千里品牌文化传播有限公司精心打造


   Guangzhou baqianli shelf Co., Ltd. is a fast c*umer goods store shelf, clothing store shelf, jewelry store shelf, clothing store props, storefrign, underwear store shelf, mingchuang excellent product store shelf, Lingli brand shelf, supermarket shelf, outlets store shelf, KM men's goods shelf, Zara rack, ur men's and women's goods shelf, HM store shelf, Decathl*helf, Muji goods shelf, Yueshi Fenglinoods shelf The com*ny is specialized in the production and processing of rack, GXG shelf, peace? Bi*helf and other products, with a complete and scientific quality management system. Guangzhou eight thousand li shelf Co., Ltd. is recognized by the industry for its integrity, strength and product quality. Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit, guide and business negotiation.


   WOW COLOUR秉持“鲜视觉、鲜陈列、鲜体验”三大核心理念,春熙66号店以“国内旗舰店”吸睛面世。WOW COLOUR成都春熙66号店分上下两层独占600多平,广阔空间造就逛店体验。春熙路66号店突破了传统柜面单一的设计风格时下热门的流行元素,糅合成都本地的蜀地元素及国潮画风,集合了WOW COLOUR所有的特色打卡点,打造出年轻一代专属的一站式“后浪新世界”。
  上海WOW COLOUR华润时代广场广州市八千里品牌文化传播有限公司精心打造

   年轻潮人拍到停不下来的创意“玩美魔镜”、仿如置身明星化妆间中感受style的“女明星化妆台”、探索专属于自己的色彩的VNK口红墙和以WOW星球为灵感创造的大型裸眼3D幻彩空间。在WOW COLOUR门店中,消费者随时都能沉浸于富未来感的时尚潮流美学空间,在购物中追求个性之美。

  上海WOW COLOUR华润时代广场广州市八千里品牌文化传播有限公司精心打造

   Wow color adheres to the three core concepts of "fresh vision, fresh display and fresh experience", and Chunxi No.66 store has been launched as "the largest flagship store in China". World color Chengdu Chunxi No.66 shop is divided i* two layers, with more than 600 square meters. The vast *ce creates a perfect shopping experience. Shop 66 Chunxi Road breaks through the single design style of the traditional beauty cabinet, captures the current popular elements, combines the local Sichuan elements and the national tide *inting style of Chengdu, and integrates all the characteristics of world color to create a one-stop "houlang beauty new world" exclusive to the younger generation.

  上海WOW COLOUR华润时代广场广州市八千里品牌文化传播有限公司精心打造

   Young trendsetters can't stop taking pictures of the "magic mirror" in the creative selfie area, feel the "female star dressing table" of superstar style in the star dressing room, explore the exclusive color of vnk mouth red wall and the large naked eye 3D illusion *ce inspired by the world of wow. In the world color store, c*umers can immerse themselves in the most futuristic fashion aesthetic *ce at any time and pursue the beauty of individuality in shopping.

  上海WOW COLOUR华润时代广场广州市八千里品牌文化传播有限公司精心打造


