TBS是全桥薄梁力传感器,在需要频繁进行小负荷测量时,薄梁称重传感器是选择。Transducer Techniques TBS系列产品*于测量医疗仪器、家用电器、过程控制、机器人、汽车以及其它高容量应用中的众多不同参数。其专门开发的综合应变片包括所有平衡、补偿以及传导元件,且被锻压成薄梁,可提供****的稳定性和可靠性。
TBS SERIES CAPACITY RANGES: .25, .50, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40 LBS.
The TBS Series thin beam sensors are exceptionally suited for *all load measurements. They are designed to measure many different parameters found in medical instrumentation, home appliances, proces*o*ol, robotics, automotive and many other high volume applicat*. A specially developed integrated strain gage includes all balancing, compensating and conductive elements and is laminated to the beam to provide excellent stability and reliability.
具有热匹配、积****主动的 全桥测量系统,可实现温度*
Rated Output (R.O.): 2mV/V ±20%
Combined Error: 0.25% full scale
Zero Balance: ±0.3 mV/V
Compensated Temp. Range: 20° to 120°F
Temperature Effects: Zero Balance 0.02% of
FS/°F;Output 0.02%/°F
Resistance: (Input and output)
1200 ohms ±300 ohms
Insulation Resistance: 1000@ 50 VDC
Excitation Voltage: 10 VDC
Seal: Urethane coated
Safe Overload: 150% FS
Full Scale Deflection: 0.010 to 0.0500
Lead Wire: 9" shielded PVC four
conductor 30 AWG
Material: 301 SS(berryllium
coppe*and 1/2 lb.
Deflection Inches: .025