RXLG系列电阻器其耐气侯性,耐振动,安全性,优于传统瓷骨架电阻器。广泛应用于电源,变频器,伺服系统等高要求的电气回路中,并能够用于恶劣的工控环境。易紧密安装,易附加散热器。外形美观,是电力电子理想的配套产品。 RXLG series resistor is superior to conventional cermic-skeleton resistor interms of weath erproof,os cillation-resistant and safety, an is widely applied to electrical circuits that has highsuch as power supply,inverter and serve system,and has high adaptability to bad ambie*perating conditi*.It can be easily fitted in an airtght manner and additional heat rediator can be fixed to it in an easy way.With elegant appeaeance,it is an ideal component that is perfectly compatibewith power and electronic equipment. 产品特点:
GB/T5729-1994 电子设备用固定电阻器