首页 >行业专用设备 > 金融、商业专用设备 > 商场超市设备 > 货架货柜 > ZARA货架流水台ZARA饰品店货架ZARA货架展示架


¥199元/件 中国 广东 广州 白云区
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 广州市八千里货架有限公司,生产定制服装货架,饰品货架,服装货架产品现货:KM男装货架,卡门服装货架,快时尚男装货架,HM男装货架,GXG男装货架,GAP男装货架,ZARA男装货架,ZARA女装货架,博斯绅威男装货架,迪柯尼男装货架,路卡迪龙男装货架, 佛伦斯男装货架,迪莱男装货架,卡奴迪路男装货架,佛伦迪奴男装货架,NOME家居货架,NOME女装货架,oce家居货架,饰品货架现货:伶俐饰品货架,lenle饰品货架,绿党饰品货架,名创优品货架,恋慧优品货架,尚优凡品货架,韩尚优品货架,遇见你的美饰品货 架,三福货架,The green party饰品货架,哎呀呀饰品货架,2元店货架,9.9饰品货架,2358韩国休闲百货货架,母婴店货架,家纺货架,更多货架生产定制广州市八千里货架,公司地址:广州市白云区黄石西路222号欧亚达家居4楼。

Especially around the display table and cash register near the e*ance, the *ce is large, the guests are comfortable to move up, wipe each other out of date, and will not collide with each other. Guangzhou Eight Thousand Miles Shelf Co., Ltd., specializing in the production of custom clothing shelves, jewelry shelves, clothing shelf products spot: KM men's shelves, Carmen clothing shelves, fast fashion men's shelves, HM menswear shelves, GXG men's shelves, GAP men's shelves, ZARA menswear shelves, ZARA menswear shelves, Boszingway men'*lothing shelves, Diconi men's shelves, Lucati Long men's shelves, Florence men's shelves, Diremen shelves, Canudi Road men's shelves, Flander*en's shelves, NOME home shelves, NOME men's shelves, oce home shelves, jewelry shelves spot: jewelry shelves, lenle jewelry shelves, Green Party jewelry shelves, Famou*reation of excellent goods shelves, love Hui excellent shelves, shang excellent goods shelves, Han Shang excellent shelve*eet your beauty jewelry shelves, Sanfu shelves, the green party jewelry shelves, oops jewelry shelves, 2 yuan store shelves, 9.9 jewelry shelves, 2358 Korean leisure department store shelve*other and child shelves, home textile shelves.More shelf production custom Guangzhou city Eight Thousand Mile storage rack Co.,Ltd*pany address: Guangzhou Baiyun District, Yellowstone West Road 222 Eurasian home 4th floor.






The entire July clothing industry is as hot and intense as the hot weather: women'*lothing category style is numerous, the market accounts for a relatively high, so in this

The clothing brand industry influence TOP20 women's wear industry achievements, high activity, in addition, has been in the transition period of the menswear industry

Eve*ntinue, Yagor, Meibang, Hailan House and other brands are strong competitors.

For the garment industry, after the first half of 2017 fierce competition, a c*iderable number of clothing busines*onditi* improved in July.
Whether it is the men'*lothing industry deep-cultivated market to seek change, transformation, or the women'*lothing industry frequently acquisition of overseas brands to implement multi-brand strategy, or Focus on online channel expansion, can reflect the local clothing enterprises in their own developme*f the *itive resp*e.
At the end of the day, it's important for clothing companies to
Seize the policy to good opportunities, so that the brand concept fits the target c*umer groups, enhance the competitiveness of the garment industry.


主营: 伶俐饰品货架,名创优品货架,KM男装货架,DM女装货架,哎呀呀货架
