
¥5000元/件 中国 山东 德州 德城区
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◇ 全新数控化设计

   New digital design.

◇ 采用头戴式耳机发言

    Using headset to listen the translation .

◇ 具有音量调节及自动*啸叫功能

    With individual volume co*ol and auto feedback suppression.

◇ 具有同一通道互锁功能,确保通道与语种之间的一一对应

   Interlock function applied on the same channel to ensure the correspondence of channels and languages.

◇ 具有消咳功能,当翻译人员咳嗽时,可****咳嗽声传出

   Cough cut function can prevent the cough spread out from the interpreter.

◇ 当发言者发言速度过快时,可以按下请求按键(SLOW)要求发言者放缓讲话速度

   The(SLOW) button will allow the interpreter to send a request to the speaker to slow down the speed of speech if he/she talks too fast.

◇ 具有间接翻译开关(REPLAY),当翻译人员听不懂发言者的语言时,可通过其他翻译人员的译音再进行第二次翻译

   The (REPLAY) button is the second translate button. If the interpreter couldn’t understand clearly of the original speaker, he/shecould press down the REPLAY butto*start the second translation by monitoring the other interpreter’s translation.

◇ 可同时进行12种语言同声传译功能(包括原声通道)

   Ca*anslate 12 languages (including native language channel) at the same time.

