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cz K字彩砖模具 厂家

面议 中国 河北 保定
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cz   K字彩砖模具 厂家(182 3333 4000 崔总  *:411 5171 16  样子比较奇葩的一个塑料彩砖模具,正常结构以正方形外观,K字彩砖模具而其中一个角为缺角样式,相比市场上常见的彩砖模具来说,难得一见,当然究其原因,还是来自于市场需求。正方形K字彩砖模具主要尺寸为长宽15厘米,高度2.7厘米,由于其中一角为缺角设计,所以正方形彩砖模具的其中2变尺寸则变成10厘米,K字彩砖模具缺角延边为7厘米,就样式来讲,彩砖模具可以千变万化,只要有求,正同必应。其中主流已有样式有:菊花图案彩砖模具、K字彩砖模具、中国结彩砖模具、星型彩砖模具、树皮纹彩砖模具以及三叶草塑料彩砖模具等等,当然除去广场*系列K字彩砖模具,还有各种植草彩砖模具、条纹砖、水泥空心砖模具等,只要涉及市政类水泥基设施建设,找正同,准没错。Cz K-shaped color brick mould manufacturer (182 334 000 Cui total *:411 5171 16 appearance i*ore exotic a plastic color brick mould, the normal structure of the square appearance, K-shaped color brick mould, and one corner is the lack of angle style, compared with the common color brick mould on the market, it is rare, of course, the reason is still from the marke*mand. The main dimension of the square K-shaped color brick mould is 15 cm in length and 2.7 cm in height. Because one corner of the mould is designed with a missing angle, two of the square color brick moulds are changed i* 10 cm in size, and the missing angle of the K-shaped color brick moulds is extended to 7 cm. As far as the style is concerned, the color brick moulds can be varied in thousands of ways. As long as there are requirements, they should be the same. Among them, the mainstream existing patterns are chrysanthemum pattern color brick mould, K-shaped color brick mould, Chinese color brick mould, star-shaped color brick mould, bark pattern color brick mould and Clover plastic color brick mould, etc


以上内容为cz K字彩砖模具 厂家,本产品由保定市盛发模具制造有限公司直销供应。