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¥8888888元/件 中国 广东 珠海 香洲区
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黄胄,字映斋,1925年生于河北农村,自幼喜欢画画,算是自学成才。长安画派代表人物,****艺术家 ,被誉为世界闻名的“画驴大师”,他的驴和齐白石的虾一样,都是天下独一份儿。Huang Wei, the word Yingzhai, was born in the rural area of Hebei in 1925. He liked to paint since childhood, and he was self-taught. The representative of Chang'an Painting School, a famous artist, is known as the world-famou*inting master". His sister-in-law and Qi Baishi's shrimp are the only ones in the world.黄胄为什么喜欢画驴呢?原来,在*期间,黄胄被关进“驴棚”,放了三年驴。长时间的与驴接触、与驴为伍,使他和驴结下了画缘。黄胄画驴高度熟练,笔法奔放,墨色丰富,笔意简练而形象准确。驴是一种不起眼的动物,然而在他的笔下,驴竟是如此可爱,有这么鲜活的精、气、神。 他认为,“驴比人好”,驴是人类忠实的朋友,他的作品就是对这种****朴实、****忠诚动物的礼赞。Why does Huang Qi like to paint? It turned out that during the Cultural Revolution, Huang Wei was placed in the "shack" and placed for three years. The long-term contact with the shackles and the shackle*ade him and the shackles draw a picture. Huang Wei*intings are highly skilled, unrestrained in brushwork, rich in ink, and concise and accurate. He is an inc*picuous animal, but in his pen, he is so cute, with such a lively spirit, anger, and God. He believes tha*fects are better than people", and he is a loyal friend of mankind. His works are a tribute to this simplest and most loyal animal.黄胄先生为什么把毕生心血,都放在了这其貌不扬、模样平平的驴身上?其实,这些年我钻到“画堆”里,才知道黄胄与驴神交已久。
Why did Mr. Huang Wei put his life and blood on this sly body that looks ugly and looks flat? In fact, I h*e been in the "painting pile" in these years, only to know that Huang Hao and the gods h*e been in the relati*hip for a long time.
Mr. Huang Wei said: "In my life, I h*e been ex*ed to four painters in my youth, and they h*e influenced the decision of my growth." Obviously, the "four painters" that Mr. Huang said is Situ Qiao, Xu Beihong, Zhao Wangyun and Han Leran, and Huang Wei know*r. Han Leran earlier.
Mr. Han Leran studied in France in his early years, studied oil painting, and accepted many advanced things at the time, especially in terms of thought. In the early 1940*r. Han Leran was very unsatisfactory in politics, and he tr*eled alone in Qinchuan. Mr. Han needs a person who has a back easel and can talk to him at the same time. At this time, Huang Wei met with him. It was the most suitable for Huang Wei, who liked to paint when he was a child, and was in his youth.