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面议 中国 广东 东莞
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Hao Tian switch socket Co. Ltd. is a Sino foreign joint venture enterprise, specializing in development and production of switches, sockets and bushin*ufacture. The company since its establishment in 1985, with "warm service for the pur*e, to the quality to win, wholeheartedly for customer service. In the R & D, producti*ales and service in the field of continuous improvement, has formed a service management system, the company has strong technical strength, complete product range, quality excellent, has successfully achieved UL, CSA, ENEC, CQC, TUV and other international quality system certification, the products are widely used in electronic communicati*, home appliances and other electronic equipment, in order to meet the needs of oversea*arkets, is now fully implemented the EU RoHS and REACH directive green environmental protection.
Specializing in the production of high-end precisi*witch socket / main vibrati*witch vibrati*witch to*le switch / / / / / slide switch self-locking switch butt*witch / rocker switch / straight key switches / switch /DC /USB socket socket / headphone socket / limit switches / switch / touch switch series products
The spirit of "people-oriented, scientific and technological innovation, continuous improvement, customer satisfaction" principle of service for each customer, I also Deputy Secretary of the United States well-known brands: HEYCO, Taiwan gold, and Huawei plastic products. The company has excellent business team, and perfect after-sales service, we welcome domestic and foreign friends old and new customers to visit. Counterparts. Http://www.dcchazuo*/

皓天开关插座有限公司是中外合资企业,****从事于研制生产开关,插座及套管的制造生产厂商。公司自1985年成立以来,以“*情的服*為宗旨,以品質取勝,全心全意为客户服务。在研发,生产,销售服务领域中不断进取,已形成完善的服务管理体系,本公司技术力量雄厚,产品种类齐全,品质优良,已顺利取得  UL、CSA、ENEC、CQC、TUV等国际质量体系认证,产品广泛应用于电子通讯、家庭电器、和其它电子设备,为适应海外市场的需求,现已*实施欧盟RoHS及REACH绿色环保指令。


      本着“以人为****技*,持续改进,客户满意”的方针服务各大客户,我司还代理:美国*品牌HEYCO、台湾金笔,及华伟的塑胶产品。本司擁有優秀的**團*,以及完善的售后服*,我们恭候國內外新老朋友.客戶.同行光臨指導。   http://www.dcchazuo*/


