The network of bluesign® system partners c*ists of chemical supplier*anufacturers of textile and leather products and accessories, converters&nb*nd brands. Agreements between the bluesign® system partner&nb*nd bluesign technologies specify the appropriate scope of supply of the system partnership. Respective bluesign® criteria form part of the&nb*greements.
The bluesign® system partners strive for&nb* high level of safety for people, resp*ible use of resources&nb*nd&nb* continuous improveme*f the environmental performance. They shall embrace, within their sphere of influence, the ten principles of the UN GLOBAL COMPACT in the&nb*reas of human right, labor standa*, environment&nb*nd&nb*nti-corruption.
In order to meet the prescribed criteria&nb*ll involved parties need to follow&nb* clear&nb*nd universal procedure. Depending on the industry branch the following main milestones&nb*nd&nb*cti*&nb*re defined:
n Successful screening/audit/asses*ent <*n>成功的筛选*n>/<*n>审计*n><*n>/*n><*n>评估*n>
n Signing bluesign® system partner&nb*greement &re*uesign<*n>系统签署合作伙伴协议*n>
n Implementation of mandatory&nb*cti* within&nb* given time frame 在规定时限内执行强制性行动
n Further continuous improvement following&nb*n itemized&nb*ction plan&nb*nd monitoring improvements by means of re-screenings, re-audits, re-asses*ents <*n>通过逐项行动计划进一步改进,并通过重新检查、重新审计、重新评估来监测改进情况。*n>
n Certification of chemical products&nb*nd&nb*rticles <*n>化工产品和物品认证*n>
n Labeling <*n>标记*n>