发动机水箱生锈、结垢是****常见的问题。锈迹和水垢会限制冷却液在冷却系统中的流动,降低散热作用,导致发动机过热,甚至造成发动机损坏。冷却液氧化还会形成酸性物质,腐蚀水箱的金属部件,造成水箱*损、渗漏。定期使用德力普DLP-6061 水箱清洗剂 清洗水箱,除去其中的锈迹和水垢,不但能保证发动机正常工作,而且延长水箱和发动机的整体寿命。
Efficient engine protection agents
S*e fuel and reduce fuel c*umption. Ru*er seals to prevent aging.
Inhibition of lubricati*ystems coke, sludge formation, keeps the machine clean surfaces and pores.
To maintain and parts inside the cylinder with the gap betwee*maintain good dynamic performance and startup performance.
Reduce the running voice.
To preve*xidation of the oil, the acidic substances to prevent corrosion of parts. Parts and prolong engine life.